भाडे की हप्ता? - Rent or EMI ?

भाडे की हप्ता?

नमस्कार मंडळी!

समीरला नुकताच H1B व्हिसा मिळाला. गेले तीन वर्ष तो अमेरिकेत होता. MS, पूर्ण केलं आणि नंतर OPT वर एक वर्ष काम केलं आणि लगोलग पहिल्या प्रयत्नात त्याला H1B व्हिसा मिळाला. कॉलेजच्या आणि उमेदीच्या दिवसात तो रेन्टेड अपार्टमेंटमध्ये रहात होता, ह्या दिवसात साधारण १८०० ते २००० डॉलर महिना च्या आसपास तो भाडे देत होता.

मंडळी! सांगायची विशेष बाब ही की, आज त्याच भाड्याच्या किंमती एवढ्या EMI मध्ये त्याने स्वतःचे घर घेतले.

शिळफाट्यावरून ठाण्याकडे जात होतो,नेहमीचीच होर्डिंग्ज, सुंदर कॉम्प्लेक्सच्या जाहिरातींनी सजली होती.पण आज मनात वेगळेच विचार घोळत होते.

आजूबाजूला मोठमोठे नावाजलेले गृहप्रकल्प (Housing Projects) पूर्ण होऊन त्यांचे नवीन प्रकल्प ही (Projects) सुरु झाले होते.एकेका गृहप्रकल्पात साधारण १५ ते २० इमारती होत्या आणि असे ६ ते ७ प्रकल्प तेथे उभे रहाणार होते. एक आखीव-रेखीव, सर्व सुविधांनी युक्त असे छोटेसे शहरच साकारले जात होते.

या घरांच्या किमती साधारण ५० ते ६० लाखाच्या दरम्यान,"लग्न पहावे करून आणि घर पहावे बांधून"  असे का म्हणतात, ह्याची प्रचिती आणणारे.

Factors affecting mortgage rates
  • Inflation: This is the key factor affecting the mortgage rates. It erodes the purchasing power of buyers. Higher the rate of inflation higher would be the mortgage rates.
  • RBI’s monetary policy: Banks lend the money @ 2 to 3 percent more than the RBI’s lending rate (RBI lends money to the banks, called Repo Rate). Today the repo rate is 4%, and the mortgage rates are between 6.80% to 8.30%.
  • The rate of economic growth: As employment opportunities increase, the purchasing power also increases. It also led to an upswing in demand for mortgage loans and resulted in higher mortgage rates.
  • Demand and Supply: Ultimately, demand for the houses and their availability have also impacted the mortgage rates.
  • Economic News - Sunday 17th April 2022

    हा, तर मंडळी! मी काय म्हणत होतो!

    माझ्या माहितीतील, साधारण दीड ते दोन लाख महिना उत्पन्न असणाऱ्या तरुणाईने तिथे फ्लॅट बुक केले होते.

    ह्या घरांच्या किंमती ५० ते ६० लाखा दरम्यान आणि त्यांचे EMI साधारण ४० ते ५० हजार.

    ह्या अनुषंगाने विचार केला तर त्यांच्या उत्पन्नातील ३० ते ४० टक्के हे घराचा EMI भरण्यात जाणार.

    आता मला सांगा,एवढ्यावरंच सगळं थांबतंय का? नाही!

    पुढे मुलांचा शिक्षणाचा खर्च, त्यांच्या सांभाळण्यावर होणारा खर्च (Daycare), हौसमौज, सतत वाढणारे मेडी-क्लेम चे हप्ते वगैरे…

    आणि इथेच कुटुंबाच्या गाडीचा चक्का जॅम. कुठले आर्थिक नियोजन आणि कसलं काय!

    फक्त EMI चं टेन्शन!

    मंडळी! मला काय वाटतं,

    आई-वडिलांच्या निवृत्तीच्या काळातील शिलकीच्या पाठबळावर ह्या EMI चं ओझं घेण्याऐवजी भाडेपट्टी कराराच्या पर्यायाचा (लीझहोल्ड प्रॉपर्टी) विचार करायला काय हरकत आहे?

    साधारण EMI च्या एक १/३ रक्कमेत भाडेकरारावर मनासारखे घर मिळू शकत.


    वर नमूद केलेल्या, Factors affecting mortgage rates, मध्ये महत्वाचा घटक (Factor), मागणी (Demand) हा आहे.

    माझं स्वतःच घर ह्या भावनेचं, मानसिकतेचं, जे अवाजवी भांडवलीकरण होत आहे त्याला पर्याय हा हवाच.

    समीर सारख्यांना भाड्याच्या किंमती एवढ्या EMI मध्ये स्वतःचे घर घेता येते. कारण तिथे पर्याय ही तेवढ्याच मुबलक प्रमाणात उपलब्ध आहेत.

    पर्याय मिळाला की मूळ वस्तूची किंमत कमी होणारच.

    बरोबर ना!

    Rent or EMI !

    Hello Friends!

    Sameer had just got the H1B Visa. For the last three years, he has been in the USA. He completed his MS and later worked for one year on OPT. And in the first attempt, he could get his H1B Visa. He was staying in rented accommodation during his struggle & college days. He used to pay about $1800 to $2000 per month towards the rent of the accommodation.

    Friends, I would like to quote that especially, now he has purchased a new house. And the EMI for the loan is the same as the rent he used to pay for the accommodation.

    Friends! While traveling from Shil Phata towards Thane, I sighted those quintessential hoardings boasting the beautiful residential complexes. I was mulling on different thoughts altogether, though.

    The renowned housing projects around the road were completed, and those groups had begun building new projects. Every project had about 15 to 20 buildings, and 6 to 7 such projects were in progress. It was as if a well-planned city with all the amenities and facilities was built.

    These houses would cost around ₹. 50 to 60 Lacs. This made me realize the old adage in Marathi “लग्न पहावे करून आणि घर पहावे बांधून” (Which means “One needs to get married and build a house to experience their nuances”)

    Factors affecting mortgage rates
  • Inflation: This is the key factor affecting the mortgage rates. It erodes the purchasing power of buyers. Higher the rate of inflation higher would be the mortgage rates.
  • RBI’s monetary policy: Banks lend the money @ 2 to 3 percent more than the RBI’s lending rate (RBI lends money to the banks, called Repo Rate). Today the repo rate is 4%, and the mortgage rates are between 6.80% to 8.30%.
  • The rate of economic growth: As employment opportunities increase, the purchasing power also increases. It also led to an upswing in demand for mortgage loans and resulted in higher mortgage rates.
  • Demand and Supply: Ultimately, demand for the houses and their availability have also impacted the mortgage rates.
  • Economic News - Sunday 17th April 2022

    So, Friends, coming back to the point -

    As I understand, the young generation who have an income of ₹. 1.5 to 2 Lacs per month had booked their flats in these projects.

    The cost of these flats was around ₹. 50 to 60 Lacs, and the EMI were around ₹. 40 to 50 thousand.

    Accordingly, they would be shelling out about 30 to 40 percent of their income towards the EMI. And do you think this would be all? No!

    Eventually, they shall have to spend on the children's education, the daycare fees, the ever-increasing Mediclaim premiums, other regular expenses, etc.

    Friends, this is when life comes to a standstill, and all the planning goes for a toss. 

    Invariably, the person is haunted by the EMI fulfillment.

    Friends, in my opinion, rather than depleting the retirement corpus of parents to make up for the shortfall in buying the flat, why not explore the option of a leasehold property?

    Generally, such leasehold properties can be rented at about one-third the cost of EMI.

    Friends, the most crucial factor in the above-stated point “Factors affecting mortgage” is “Demand.”

    There has to be an option to this psyche and sentiment of the people they have of owning a home.

    Only a few like Sameer have the privilege of buying a house at the cost of EMI equivalent to the house rent because of the abundant options available there.

    When there is a choice or option, the cost of the commodity reduces.



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